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  • "Touch me"
    The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera and a computer are mounted on a platform. The monitor with the touch screen is visible for the visitors at
  • As the work “Unformed Symbols” (2006), the work “Unformed Symbols: Another Side” (2008) recreates a card game, but this time as if it were seen from the reverse side, with only the plain backs of cards visible. Real cards and projected images of
  • Body Language -
    Body Language represents the second generation of interactive sound installations Rokeby created. The installation used three hand-built low-resolution (8x8 pixels) video cameras (see image above) to observe a 5 metre by 5 metre space. The images
  • "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System". String, hanging from the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its shadows. The camera
  • Petite Terre -
    The work is made up of a small natural environment. Four small speakers are hidden under the leaves of the vegetation which covers most of the surface of this world. This world is in fact an island surrounded completely by water. The world is
  • The central element in "Silicon Remembers Carbon" is a large video image projected down onto a bed of sand on the floor of the installation space. In the second version, instead of laser-discs, the video source is made up from 2 streams of MPEG-2
  • new element -
  • Elastic Fax 1 -
    Elastic Fax I, created by Eduardo Kac, was realized at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1991. Artists worldwide were invited to transmit sequences of images to form a self-editing faxfilm. Sequences were added automatically in
  • Interfaces -
    "Interfaces" was a live exchange conceived and organized by Eduardo Kac which took place on December 10, 1990, between a group of artists in Chicago and another group in the Center For Creative Inquiry, at the Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
  • … is a series of works comprised of what Kac calls "biotopes", that is, living pieces that change during the exhibition in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions. Each of Kac's biotopes is literally a self-sustaining ecology