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  • Imagine a 3 x 3 x 3 mirrored cube suspended 25 centimeters from the floor supported on a crosspiece in the center of a base having four springs, one on each corner. Two of its facets rotate on its central axle. One facet pivots and the other facet
  • As viewers walk in front of Make Like a Tree’s projected wall, their shadows are recorded and return to this same image as eerie figures in the foreground and background that move between trees, disappear suddenly, and fade into the distance.
  • Partner: Evelina Domnitch Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • DIGITAL SPARKS : STUDENT CONTEST 2001 - 2008 The "Digital Sparks Matrix" is an interface for browsing all of the projects submitted to the " Digital Sparks" student competitions between 2001 and 2008 funded by the German Ministry for Research and
  • Re-reading the News -
    Re-reading the News (2002) downloads the front page of newspapers as essentially raw data, enabling users to reformat it to their own specifications. The raw data appears in one browser window, reformatting occurs in a second. "Re-reading" sees the
  • When a visitor steps on one of the 32 sensors on the floor, a screen in front of her shows one of four little digital worlds, that are partly controllable by the viewer. Hypothetical creatures, autonomous and life-like, live in these worlds.
  • Peter Weibel is considered to be one of the poineers of interactive, computerbased installations. In this work from the early nineties, the participants are being filmed upon entering a room. They see "their" film on a large screen while there is a
  • FACT Centre -
    External lighting scheme During the early stages of the building design a concept for the external skin of the building was defined. As the building specification required predominantly ‘black-box’ spaces (cinemas/galleries), very few options were
  • Connection -
    A series of video illusions for drivers is projected onto the front window of the Cartier Foundation, Boulevard Raspail, one of the main streets in Paris. The real-life scale of these videos gives drivers the impression that new streets have opened
  • Your Self Portrait -
    This project, presented in both a Saint Petersburg factory and museums of the West, is an interaction between spectators and the artist. The artist films each participant and throws their image back at them just as they start to relax in front of