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  • Documentary
  • TeleZone Overview -
    "Telezone" builds on many of the ideas of Ken Goldberg's earlier "Telegarden" (1995) also at the Ars Electronica Center, and allows a community of people to collaboratively create architectonic structures--and by extension social structures--at a
  • Robots Painting -
  • Documentary
  • In the center of the room, on a riser approximately 5 feet tall, a square fish tank, bare, approx 2x3x4 feet, spotlit from above. Inside swim 6 fat koi fish, one gold, the others white On one wall the video projector displays a computer animated
  • Robotics Research: A common task in automated manufacturing processes is to orient parts prior to assembly. We consider sensorless orientation of a polygonal part by a sequence of fences. We show that any polygonal part can be oriented by a sequence
  • Robotics Research
  • Infections of a mental kind and the examination of the animalistic are the topics of the Zurich media art group ‹knowbotic research› in their most recent project ANIMAL INFECTED. The infection takes place subtly, for instance with an expres sion