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  • Notes on Preliminary Plan and Accompanying Images. • The public enter through a gently curved corridor allowing time for their eyes to adjust to the low light level and obscuring the view ahead of the Forest. • Choice of paths to give a
  • Fortune 500 Cookies are gold wafers of silicon that have been discovered in San Jose and are said to be propagating from Silicon Valley to around the world. Their peculiar appearance, unusual for fortune cookies, indicates they are derived from the
  • Surveillance technology, robotics and computers all feature in the work of Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. As you enter the exhibition space, overhead cameras track your movements, triggering a reaction -- in one room rows of white
  • San Marco Flow -
    "San Marco Flow" layers all the actions of people and pigeons on Piazza San Marco in Venice into a pair of evolving images representing two views of the recent history of activities there. The images are, in effect, lit by animate presence; things
  • Search Detection, 2012 LED Matrix, arduino processor, wooden cabinet, computer, Internet connection Variable size, can cover between 1 and 3 m of wall space Ed. 1/3, 1 AP Live digital streams that display the results of a search algorithm using the
  • Beyond Manzanar is an interactive 3D virtual reality environment, a metaphorical landscape that explores political scapegoating of ethnic populations in times of crisis. The historic experiences of Japanese Americans in World War II and the more
  • "Shades of Absence: Outside Inside" places silhouettes of artists who have been threatened with arrest or physical violence into the closed curatorial space of the Giardini in Venice. Whether these artists are outsiders or insiders, known
  • Documentation Video for Ken Rinaldo and Amy Young's "Farm Fountain" Sculpture. Video editing by
  • This augmented reality work series is located in and around the buildings of the Istanbul Biennial. Inspired by Pedrosa and Hoffmann's curatorial statement referencing the works and methodology of Felix Gonzalez-Torres, these artworks overlay simple
  • The "Reign of Gold" augmented reality artwork surrounds you and your favorite object of protest in a rain of $50 US gold eagle coins. Part of AR Occupy Wall Street, organized by Mark Skwarek.