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  • Event: Scénographie interactiveInstitution: École des Beaux ArtsComment:
  • Event: Multimédia et scénographieInstitution: round table, SITEMComment:
  • Event: De l'art de la situation à la scénographie organiqueInstitution: Colloque Poliéri, Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceComment:
  • Chris Ziegler (*1963, Karlsruhe, D) is media artist and director since early 1990‘s of numerous international collaborations of interdisciplinary projects in the field of new media with the performing arts. He holds a Diploma in Architecture,
  • LAb|au| developed a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach based on different artistic, scientific and theoretic methods, examining the transformation of architecture and spatio-temporal structures in accordance to the technological progress
  • Memory Theater VR is an example of a virtual museum that embodies original architectural, interface and visualization strategies that converge the experience of real and virtual formations. The installation itself is set inside a cylindrical space,
  • Pneu-Written -
    Elements of the MovieMovie (1966) were merged with a performance scenography made by John Lantham.
  • MovieMovie - video
    This expanded cinema performance was specially created for the Experimental Film Festival in Knokke-le-Zoute. It took place in the foyer of the festival building, with the audience sitting on the stairs and balcony. Three performers (Jeffrey Shaw,
  • Points of View III - A Three Dimensional Story explored the notion of an open artwork by inviting sixteen people to make narrative contributions which were then interactively linked to the visual scenography so that the viewer could navigate between
  • digital scenography and sound maps for theater play