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  • A Sense of Place -
    An out-of-focus "still-life" image of a window display is projected on a full screen gallery wall. As the audience moves in the gallery space, items from the inventory of objects in the image come into focus depending on the audience's relative
  • In the installation "Industrial Evolution," users can interact with historic images from the time of the Industrial Revolution. Images of factories, mines, assembly lines, production facilities and related administration facilities show the
  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • Terrain 01 -
    A metal ring with 3-meter diameter is placed on the floor, and thirty to forty 20cm long insect like robots are moving in there. The robots start moving when activated as the solar sensors on their backs detect larger quantity of light. The robots
  • The projection environment of PLACE consists of a cylindrical projection screen and a rotating platform in the center that carries a wide-angle three-projector system fed by an SGI-Onyx computer. The distortion caused by the projection onto the
  • ANNA is Anna Karenina. ANDY is Andy Warhol. ANNA AND ANDY uses Tolstoys novel as a script which drives a computer-generated re-creation of Warhol´s "Screen Tests." Interpretation (Lev Manovich, Los Angeles, 8.12.2000) -------------
  • bubbles -
    Interacting with virtual bubbles is quite just walk in front of the projectors light beam and cast your shadow onto the projection screen. The bubbles will recognize this shadow and bounce off its outlines, at the same time emitting
  • E-Sparks -
    The goal of this project is an audio-visual interactive installation to explore the creative content and suggestions that the artificial life (alife) environments have in their potentialities. The suggestion the Plancton Art Studio wants to
  • Sensitive Painting -
    Sensitive Painting is an interactive installation where a projector linked to a computer, casts images on a large size picture representing the eternal flux between Eros and Thanatos. The images projected on the painting consist of the internal
  • Aurora di Venere -
    "Aurora di Venere" is a performance for theatre where a group of dancers interact with digital entities projected on two screens located at the background and at the front (semi-transparent) of the theatre's stand. The dancers play with the