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    ... diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates an immersive audiovisual environment,...
  • ...When a visitor steps on one of the 32 sensors on the floor, a screen in front of her shows one of four little digital worlds, that are partly...
  • ... member of the DFG graduate program "Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces« and directs the research...
  • ...Sweet, Paula. What Is Between Us: A Visual Survey of Nina Sobell's work 2007- 2019. Vicenza, Italy: Second Guess Press, Amazon, 2020.
  • ...Manovich, Lev. What is Visualization?
  • ... extracted from the interviews. These three elements offer the visitors differentiated levels of access to the project. The interactive...
  • ... oral testimonies in three languages: English, French and Spanish. Visual anthropologist Flavia Caviezel comments: “Badani’s project...
  • ... which could be called media artists, combines innovative visual techniques with scientific research instruments and low tech...
  • ... the Internet. Among the prominent themes in net art are data visualization and mapping, database aesthetics, gaming paradigms,...
  • ... exhibition Wild: Amazing Animals in a Changing World, where visitors were surrounded by 750 animals densely distributed over all the...