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  • Mobilise/Demobilise -
    Mobilise/Demobilise is a critical and artistic response to a world of increasing conflict, crisis and emergency, explored through a series of online performances. It is a creative collaboration between UpStage, Teater Interakt, KiG! (Kultur in Graz)
  • The Custom Made project is a reflection on the superpower of nanotechnology, which is capable of manufacturing the universe to order with accuracy up to the very last nanoparticle. On the one hand, nanotechnology is an opportunity for us to
  • Hors Pistes analiza el universo del deporte desde un prisma político y crítico —desarrollando paralelismos con la sociedad— al tiempo que poético, sobre la reapropiación por parte de los artistas de las formas, códigos e imaginario del deporte, para
  • Floating Signs II -
    Three-part light installation Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'Floating Signs 2' features three light sticks, each consisting of a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars,
  • "This artwork explores the use of algorithm design applied to social structures. These diagrams propose the idea of planning societal organization like building algorithmic software, which can be fixed and optimized to improve performance and
  • War zones are as instructive as they are destructive. Since Vietnam, they have beautifully illustrated the contradiction between capitalism and democracy. They teach the lesson that (false) democracy is an alibi for the good intentions of capitalist
  • Shaw, Nancy. Cultural Democracy and Institutionalized Difference: Intermedia, Metro Media In Mirror Machine: Video and Identity, edited by Janine Marchessault, 26-34. Toronto, Canada: YYZ Books, 1995.
  • Latour, Bruno and Peter Weibel, ed. Making Things Public. Atmospheres of Democracy. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2005.
  • Fulldome participatory installation as a metaphor for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve clouds of information on the future of work, education, democracy...
  • Paolo Cirio called attention with his controversial work "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy": "Face to Facebook" (co-author: Alessandro Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors: Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen) and "Google Will Eat Itself" (co-authors: