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  • Diptych: laser-cut and digital print on plexiglass dim: 200 x 135 cm The hanging objects present microscopic image of a carbon substance (up) and its digital mapping (transcription) into a reciprocal space (down) by the use of digital fast Fourier
  • Sound-kinetic diorama exterior: acrylic object in crystalloid like form; interior: relief (3D print), turntable, light, sounddim: 110 x 60 x 60 cm A miniature silver landscape in motion that can be viewed through the observation perforation in the
  • Breathless
    Installation consists of three light objects. Two of them are connected to the RSS [web] feed via computers, and the third, with the aid of the anemomenter provides wind, temperature, noise of street (environment). Computer searches for all words,
  • Landing fields
  • Faina Balakhovskaya and Antonio Geusa and Luk Lambrecht. Александра Дементьева. Работы 2000 - 2007. / Alexandra Dementieva. Works 2000 - 2007. Catalogue. Moscow, Russia: XL gallery, 2008.
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Re-Lighting -
    About 300 km above the Earth (the orbital altitude of the International Space Station), the planet's surface occupies an important place. During the day you can see the continents, at night - the lights of the cities. From further distance, the
  • Inland Wonderland -
    Our universe obeys to the logic of four interactions - gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak - affecting it (not counting the Higgs field). Chaos on the other hand is only produced by human activity and our heads are the omnipotent producers
  • Paul Hertz is an independent artist, printmaker, and curator who works with algorithmic processes. From 1971 to 1983, he lived and worked in Spain, where he collaborated with actors and musicians. He earned a BA in Fine Arts from Brown University
  • NATASHA KURCHANOVA. Alexandra Dementieva: ‘All art is an interactive game. I am offering the viewer an opportunity to take an active part in the work’