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  • Partner: Evelina Domnitch Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • Connection -
    A series of video illusions for drivers is projected onto the front window of the Cartier Foundation, Boulevard Raspail, one of the main streets in Paris. The real-life scale of these videos gives drivers the impression that new streets have opened
  • Your Self Portrait -
    This project, presented in both a Saint Petersburg factory and museums of the West, is an interaction between spectators and the artist. The artist films each participant and throws their image back at them just as they start to relax in front of
  • Exploded Views -
    Exploded Views is an interactive installation whereby three participants run on individual conveyor belts. They physically move themselves through both an interactive audio-environment and interactive imagery projected at the front of the belts. The
  • This series of works made using photographic media explores the aesthetics of the double entendre and visual pun. A series of photographic prints on linen included: A tablecloth printed with a picture of a place setting after the meal has been eaten
  • This was a performance installation at De Lantaren theatre in Rotterdam. When entering the theatre, members of the audience looked through an augmented-reality projection console, where they saw an animated computer-generated image of a swing that
  • CURATORIAL STATEMENT CODeDOC takes a reverse look at 'software art' projects by focusing on and comparing the 'back end' of the code that drives the artwork's 'front end'—the result of the code, be it visuals or a more abstract communication
  • Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3 levels of images: Foreground-Matte-Background (Front-Back-Matte) The 3 levels of commodities: Sensitive-No-Sensitive-Suprasensitive. Oculus Oracle The labourer is distinguishable only
  • FACT Centre -
    External lighting scheme During the early stages of the building design a concept for the external skin of the building was defined. As the building specification required predominantly ‘black-box’ spaces (cinemas/galleries), very few options were
  • make-A-move -
    "make-A-move," is an interactive installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, and physical computing. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the artist - react to the movements of passersby.