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  • Weibel, Peter and Otto E. Rössler. The two Levels of Reality - Exo and Endo In Art Lab 1st Symposium, The Current Condition and the Future of Digital Art, edited by Y. Shihata, 16. Tokyo, Japan: Canon, 1991.
  • FORMACIÓN Licenciado en Bellas Artes. Facultad Alonso Cano, Universidad de Granada. Beca Erasmus, Université Paris 8, París. Beca Séneca, Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilbao. EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES 2010 La imagen-velocidad. Espacio MeBaS,
  • Curators: Montxo Algora y José Luis de Vicente. Artists: Antoni Abad, Amorphic Robot Works, Ángel Borrego, David Byrne, Daniel Canogar, Vuk Cósic, Harun Farocki, Paul Friedlander, Mark Hansen, David Hason, Pierre Huyghe, Theo Jansen, Natalie
  • Daniela Alina Plewe is a media artist, professor and entrepreneur. She had a Phd from Sorbonne Paris and a M.A. in Experimental Media Studies from the University of Arts Berlin and a B.A. in Philosophy- Artificial Intelligence/Logics. She works in
  • Artist: Ulrike Gabriel (Germany)
  • ARTLAB-prospect 1 -
    Event: ARTLAB-prospect 1Institution: Canon-ARTLABComment:
  • Event: ARTLAB Exhibition - Prospect 3 "Ultima Ratio"Institution: Canon-ARTLABComment:
  • Event: Serious chilled loungeInstitution: Canon-ARTLABComment:
  • Influence, change and transformation are keywords in Peter Hagdahl’s ¦uvre. In 1992 Andréhn-Schiptjenko showed the installation Sustained where sculpture, painting, drawing, snapshots, paperclippings and a powerengine created a system ranging from