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  • Audio-CD recordings of neighbours.
  • ... operated the air valves and depicted the sound coupled with projected images. Dancer...
  • ...Spatial Sounds (100dB at 100km/h) is an interactive audio installation by Marnix de Nijs and Edwin van...
  • ...Destruction of the remnants of an exhibition with sound pneumatics using speakers.
  • Push /Pull
    ... amounts to communicate image and sound. However it is not often accessed for direct...
  • mimesia -
    ... a range of effects to create landscapes, sound, lighting, texturing, animation, special...
  • ... and disturbing combination of images and sound. A ‘wall’ of figures, naked and staring...
  • SoundSlam -
    ... from muscular atrophy and heart disease. SoundSlam is a high end controller built from a...
  • ... colour, multi-channel interactive sound In collaboration with Sue Hawksley...
  • Dreamgenerator -
    ... and transform according to events (sound, motion , light) within the building at...