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  • A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed for several springs in a remote area of rural mid-Devon, Britain. Made in collaboration with the cinematographer and sound recordist Stuart
  • ... exhibited in Canada, Mexico, India, France and...
  • ... to two locations in Mexico, where he selected an...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    Bodies© INCorporated is an investigation into social psychology and group dynamics, actualized in corporate structure. It is a collaborative project on many levels, from the team of artists implementing it, to the actively participating audience
  • mission of art -
    Site-specific light installation The light installation 'mission of art' is a temporary intervention on the façade of the building of the Akademie der Künste [Academy of Arts] in Berlin, for the occasion of the opening of the Academy's new location
  • cyberSM -
    The cyberSM project was an attempt to create a real time, visual, auditory, and tactile communication in the world of cyberspace. In the first cyberSM experiment, the user began to experience what others have only talked about for years: live,
  • Uršula Berlot, Kaleidoscopic Gaze, 2010 video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop 6′); two mirrors (90 x 180 cm; 90 x 110 cm), foil covering, projection and reflected light Site specific video installation; variable dimensions Uršula
  • Figment
    Figment offers an experience of the digital sublime, which overlaps with our perception of the digital, landscape, our relationship with each, and the fundamental questions that follow, peering into the nature of our existence. In Figment, rendered
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... them the ability to express behavioural qualities...
  • ... de las Artes, Mexico City / Museum of...