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  • ...Event: Le temps qu’il fait, la carte postale et l’interactivitéInstitution: eArts CommunityComment:
  • ... launches a call for proposal to conceive postcards demonstrating the commercial potential...
  • I like Frank -
    ... bags on bicycles were four different postcards each with a question for the Street...
  • GaribaldiMap -
    ... are effective to transform web images into postcards, in order to connect an “old” medium...
  • Love Brid -
    ... as part of Sea Change. It is an animated postcard, a loving tribute to the timeless charms...
  • Springside Cynthesis -
    ... the following year. Published as a postcard this became the promo image for an...
  • ...Legrady, George. Slippery Traces: The Postcard Trail In Artintact 3, edited by Jeffrey Shaw, 101-104....
  • ...Legrady, George. Slippery Traces: The Postcard Trail In Artintact 3, edited by A. Sommer, 101-104....
  • Slippery Traces -
    ... a network of over 240 interconnected postcards classified into 24 categories or...
  • ... one can follow how the scam evolves. Postcards and business cards, found in the...