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  • ... such as popularity and power distribution, is shown...
  • Public Meteorit Watching Event Date: Nov. 16th 2010, starting at 6:30pm expected impact time: 20:33pm Location: meadows behind Kauwstraat 10, 9500 Herzele, Sint Lievens Esse, Belgium Herzele is about 40 km from Brussels and a rather small
  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    ... image and format, the book affirms irreducibility to...
  • Inside the entry curtain, visitors follow a fiber-optic cable to the center of the resonating enclosure where a portal through the floor frames the installation's focal point. The live seismic data stream drives an embedded visual display and
  • In separate installations of the History Apparatus, the artist planted in each location a stump from a tree that had lived over a hundred years: on the central square of Neumarkt in the town of Arnsberg and on the terrace of the Neue Nationalgalerie
  • ... their computers, nuclear power stations, destroyed...
  • Watchers
    ... see that determines the power of any medium. Here one...
  • Manovich, Lev. Visualizing Vertov
  • Manovich, Lev. Cultural Software