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  • Blast -
    ... recorded and live. It endeavors to make this content partial and contingent,...
  • ... international network of feminist theatre makers and performance artists, Helen has...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ...Protrude, Flow 2008 (2008) Shown at Reina Sofia National Museum in madrid. Enabling people to... works. This work is meant to make us feel a new reality and materiality, based...
  • ... construct and interact with models of how products flow between their business, thier... about. One can then modify that model to make it more similar to the real-world business in...
  • Landscape One -
    ... in and explore. For this they have to make contact with one of the virtual character...
  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... related with our "genetic markers" and how they can describe our journey as humans in... Opening the code means to share and to make something free. In the Open(ing) Source...
  • ... this explicit, the first virtual room shows a representation of the installation itself.... modalities of travel for the viewer. To make this explicit, the first virtual room shows a...
  • ... the end of the 1980s, he was invited to make a piece of work for Video Positive '95 (an...
  • ... and to prompt new thinking about how we see our planet. Our system is particularly... provide a geospatial software tool that makes it easy for everyday people to specify a...
  • ... enter the viewers’ consciousness and make them fully realise that the actual, completely...