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  • Windscreen -
    ... scale habitable by the human body is also... that fade into black at every loop. I chose...
  • Universal Translator -
    ... work focussed on the sound hardware of the... screen is initially black. When the microphone...
  • ... art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac...
  • ...Video of the launch of a helium ballon to the Stratosphere... experiment using 3 black and white video cameras...
  • ...INCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art,...
  • Blast -
    ... texts and images and their accompanying practices...
  • ...In the video (plasma screen) and sound installation Night...
  • Die Sprache der Dinge -
    ... 'shelf' on the black monitor screen, and... on the black monitor screen, and...
  • Listening Post -
    ...Listening Post is situated in the permanent collections of...
  • Carry On -
    ...Paranoia is the state of the world. Propelled by our media,... micro-cameras and black and white LCD screens,...