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  • inhabited geometry -
    by Mandeep Raikhy / gati dance Delhi, India Based on the notion of lived experience of architecture in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an ensemble piece that aims to define, architecturally and imaginarily, the idea
  • Annja Krautgasser is a media artist and architect who has been teaching on architecture, media, and the public at the Academy of Arts in Linz, and is an assistant at the Technical University in Graz, Austria. Rainer Mandl, born 1968, is a web and
  • Maite Cajaraville combines her artistic career with curator commissions since 1993. She is a media and video artist and AV performer whose creations have been exhibited in festivals and events such as the Venice Biennale, Sónar Festival of Advanced
  • Fassler, Manfred. Alle möglichen Welten. Virtuelle Realität, Wahrnehmung, Ethik der Kommunikation. München: Wilhelm Fing Verlag, 1999.
  • Manetas Miltos and Kisseleva Olga and Jodi and Gaulon Benjamin and Cheang Shu Lea and Closky Claude and Beloff Zoe. Octopus Project. Montpellier, France: Book In Progress, 2013.
  • Stereoscope -
    The stereoscope is a device to make images appear three-dimensional by presenting each eye with a slightly different point of view of the same scene; in attempting to reconcile the difference, the eye is tricked into seeing volume. In Stereoscope
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • Fisher, Scott S.. Wenn das Interface im Virtuallen verschwindet In Cyberspace, edited by Manfred WaffenderHamburg: Rowohlt, 1991.
  • Manfred Mohr *1938 in Pforzheim, Deutschland, wo er an der Kunst- und Werkschule studierte. Arbeitete von 1963-83 in Paris (F), wo er 1965 Lithografie an der Ecole des Beaux Arts studierte. Erste Einzelausstellung 1968 in der Daniel Templon Gallery,
  • Weibel, Peter. Biotechnologie und Kunst In Technik und Gesellschaft: Symposium der Technischen Universita?t Wien, 24.-30. 8. 1980, Lech am Arlberg, edited by Manfred Schmutzer and Technische Universita?t Wien and Interdisziplina?res