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  • Riot -
    Alternative web browser: The Tompkins Square riots and the state sponsored enforcement of gentrification in New York's East Village in the '90s inspired Riot, an alternative browser that crosses the virtual boundaries in the web. Riot breaks the
  • netomat is a web browser that takes visitors for a ride into an unexplored internet. Unlike traditional web browsers, which retrieve only predefined web content and rely on the model of the page, netomat engages a different internet -- one that is
  • I"TV : INTERACTIVE IMMERSIVE TV 1999 / 01 i2tv is a model for an electronic arena that explores a new form of live artistic production integrating on-line participants with participants at a real physical location. Participants take part in a
  • Extensions -
    Extensions (1999-2000) was my contribution to a group project called "Reaching", which set out to look at networking as a metaphor for various ways of communicating or of "reaching" from one point or person to another. The other artists were Susan
  • Home Transfer -
    HOME TRANSFER looks at the relationship between home, architecture and new technologies. The interactive and participatory ‘net-art’ work unfolds via a menu composed of three 'chapters': Guest, Host, and Parasite. The work explores changing notions
  • MAP = Media Arts Plaza is the official site which supports creative activities and development of media arts. Starting with an offering for subscriptions, announcement of award-winning works, information about exhibition of award-winning works,
  • iC_inema 1
    iC_inema is an experiment in search of a completely new form of interactive cinema. With twelwe cameras a 360 degree panoramic view of the real world is recorded. Costum software combines the twelwe simultaneous recordings into a single panorama.
  • Website MMM -
    The web site MMM is based on the work-in-progress (The) Bride Descending a Staircase, developed by Simone Michelin, in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Philadelphia and New York (US), from 1989 to 1999. The series had a latter version created for
  • handSCAPE -
    HandSCAPE is a vectorizing digital tape measure as an input device for digitizing field measurements, and visualizing the volume of the resulting vectors with computer graphics. Using embedded orientation-sensing hardware, HandSCAPE captures
  • janus -
    A site specific installation, a 12-foot construction made of three light sources suspended above reflective surfaces in turn suspended above a 24+-foot drop, Installed in a warehouse next to the Thames in News Cross Gate, Londoon. (source: