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  • ...Pearlman,Ellen. The Brain As A Hackable Driver International Society For Electronic Art (ISEA),Vancouver (August 2015).
  • ...enayoun, M. and Stephen W. Gilroy and Marc Cavazza. E-Tree, Emotionally Driven Virtual Reality Interactive Art Program, ACM Siggraph (2007).
  • ...Seaman, Bill. Four Transcultural Case Studies: Transmedial Walks, Drives and Observations Technoetic Arts 10 (March 2013): 2-3.
    ... art work that uses the motion of people in public space to drive an evolving graphic display. The display is projected onto the...
  • ... forms of artificial life and "intelligent" or behavior-driven sysrems. The exibition' s titel points both to the evolutionary...
  • Drive -
    ...Event: DriveInstitution: Austrian Academy of ScienceComment:
  • Curator: Peter Weibl The exhibition is accompanied by a 256-page book, which serves as a catalogue of the exhibition and also contains a collection of Crandall's writings from the years 1994-99. A symposium will also take place during the
  • ... and knowledge. It is at the heart of our age: it underpins, drives, and shapes information economies, societal networks, search...
  • ... to the creation of new semantics and meanings. Currently, Google's influence is unparalleled. It has expanded the way that we...
  • ...Event: Digital Art @ Google: Data PoeticsInstitution: The Project Room For New Media and Performing ArtsComment: