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  • AirBoard -
    a board ride on the air Air Board is a sculptured board with jet engine and made for the purpose of hovering in the air. It is loaded with small turbojet engine and allows one person to stand on and hovers a few centimeters high above the ground
  • Mostra Passageiros -
    A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A mostra foi uma realização da Galeria Mamute, com o apoio do PPGART/UFSM, Labart e do PPGAV/UFRGS. Esta foi a primeira, de uma série de mostras de
  • The augmented reality (AR) installation Gardens of the Anthropocene posits a science-fiction future in which native aquatic and terrestrial plants have mutated to cope with the increasing unpredictable and erratic climate swings. The plants in the
  • education: 1999-2002 Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands (MFA) 1997-1999 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1995-1997 Hochschule Fuer Gestaltung, Pforzheim, Germany exhibitions: 2010 exhibition 'Info Deco Data: Work in
  • Corpocinema -
    The Corpocinema ('corporeal cinema') was an expanded cinema environment presented in a series of open-air performances in Rotterdam and Amsterdam in 1967. The basic structure was a large air-inflated transparent PVC dome onto which film
  • According to Info-Aesthetics Doctrine (, the society in which gathering, processing and distribution of information play central role needs its own art forms. These forms should take into account information behaviors and
  • Fragments from The Impossible Flying Machine by ERASE C41: "My first sighting happened in 1967, on a trip from (A) to (B). It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 Km north of (A). We suddenly
  • Five into one est l'une des premières oeuvres en « réalité virtuelle ». Le principe en est de construire une image tridimensionnelle globale, virtuelle, c'est-à-dire exclusivement calculée et mise en mémoire dans un ordinateur.
  • Video: In this excerpt, Orf engages the speed and power of the aircraft, a weapon of mass destruction in the 21st century, singing: swing low, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home, evoking the extremist allure of the afterlife. (source:
  • “Matrix XII Krems” connects the new State Gallery of Lower Austria and the Kunsthalle Krems in a vast space below ground. The individual lights are arranged in a strict square grid on a slanted plane and delineate the border between emptiness and