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  • 125. Fragment -
    A series of portraits by Archimboldo (Seasons, Elements) are digitally interwoven to create a symultaneous montage of their pictorial elements. (A. Hegedüs)
  • Length: 6min. 30sec. Two rectangles turn like prayer wheels on either side of a vertical videographic axis. They show the resonances of a thin layer of sand as it is effected by the audio frequencies of Tibetan music - a conjunction of science and
  • ...The Encoded Eye, the Archive, and its Engine HouseArtist: David TomasComment:
  • ...Awarded a DA2 Open Commission, Martin Rieser has created Understanding Echo, an interactive installation that re-awakens the mythological figure from the Echo and Narcissus myth. In the centre of a darkened room hang a number of translucent coloured panels...
  • ... by each actor. The clips will be viewed by an observing audience in set combinations of three. []
  • ... Museum visitors create their own sumie and stories on large rice paper screen, while learning about Zen, Japanese art, and themselves. The artist guides visitors toward an altered mindstate. It is the collaborative work of Seigo Matsuoka, a...
  • ...eb site, on the theme of viral infection, exploring issues around HIV/AIDS through contributions in both text and image from web users/artists and through associated workshops and events. (
  • Media Bombs -
    From a master missile installed in the center of space, 36 Media Bombs drop out. A crystal TV is embedded in each of the bombs, and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The programs, each broadcast from a
  • This piece is contained inside of a "Biohazrd Tent", or isolation chamber. Inside of the tent are several I.V. drip bags for blood transfusions, delivery of drugs etc. Inside of each I.V. drip bag is a surgical glove which has been fitted with
  • ... construction and play on the passivity and participation of the reader. Short animations intercept the reading of other artists works playing with the textual condition of the on line image and, at the same time, with the imagetic condition of the...