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  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000 Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing
  • antidatamining -
    Antidatamining is a series of visualisations of financial data. Economy is represented by its main agents –companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds– and their interaction: capital relationships, geographic
  • Second Promenade -
    Boissiers Installation "Second Promenade" is based on different meshed media: images, sounds, music, videos and a computerbased text. This hypertext is in a close relationship to the original of Rousseaus Second Promenade and can be read variably by
  • Feedback -
    Janet Cardiff's “Feedback” (2004) is an interactive sound piece that plays a Jimi Hendrix rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” when the visitor steps on a wah-wah pedal. “Feedback” is a gift in honor of Rifkin by Tom and Kitty Stoner and
  • Cabin fever -
    In Cabin Fever, Cardiff and Miller reference traditional museum displays by using the formal structure of the diorama to transport the viewer into a scene depicting a cabin set deep in the woods. The captivating soundtrack, draws the viewers into
  • “get.real” addresses the complex interrelationship of nature/life and technology, literally drawing out the blurred borderlines of our existence. The baby exists (in reality) only in the mother’s body and, yet, its (virtual) presence exceeds these
  • la huella -
    la huella, 2010 iMac, Quartz Composer, microphone, projector, 200 x 150 cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation, adaptation and destruction. It is a reflection on survival and evolution in nature, a neverending
  • Intuitive movements in front of a mirror are banal. Replacing the mirror by a screen showing a similar mirrored image, but filmed and augmented with "transfiction/alized” elements, results in visual interaction, in body movements, which can trigger
  • Hello, world! -
    “Hello, world!” analyses the ephemerality or longevity of storage media and uses acustic signals for data storage. In a closed system, which is made up of a computer, a loudspeaker, 246 metres of copper pipe and a microphon, circulates a codified,
  • Mood Swings -
    The Mood Swings installation creates states of emotion and perception by translating the viewer's body into a swarm of moving particles that change "moods" from one extreme to another. As the visitor's image is captured on a live video