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  • This new version of The Legible City (1989) encompasses all the experiences offered by the original version, but introduces an important new multi-user functionalty that to a large extent becomes its predominant feature. In the Distributed
  • Virtual actor or: how real is reality? The congress at EMAF 2002 explored films in which avatars (characters created on the computer) or "human" actors rather than real human beings act in virtual environments. This topic was reflected also in some
  • To mark its 20th anniversary, the congress part of EMAF called "D-Fluxx" presented not only a kind of inventory entitled "Media Art History", but also a definition of the current position of Media Art. The film programme focused on the Cuban
  • Geoff Davis. Micro Arts History 1984–85 Computer Generated Art and Stories: Computational art and story generators from the 1980s micro computer scene. Vol.1. 1 th ed.London: Story Software, 2019.
  • The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of
  • 05 March/10:43 pm -
    05 March/10:43 pm consists of a small, suburban model house on a table, linked to a computer. Looking into one of the windows the viewer discovers a small live projection, floating in the room, showing a person who is collapsed on a chair, with a
  • GARDEN CONCEPT In the context of the Regional STARTS Centers in Greece, the non-profit platform for social innovation projects MADE GROUP, with the support of the Athens Tech College and the Cultural Association of Archilochus of Paros, sets the
  • Secret Detours -
    The 360° video »Secret Detours« served as an immediate approach to digitally preserve a Chinese garden in Singapore. Currently, my collaborators Benjamin Seide, Ross Wiliams and myself have developed a range of different versions in order to explore
  • Handsight
    The intention of this work is to emphasize certain aspects of virtuality, such as telepresence and the re-embodiment of the senses. It creates a transverse relation between the real and the virtual by correlating a physical object with its virtual
  • Inside the immense flow of data exchange, the new technologies have facilitated an interdependency between the spheres of what is private and what is public, between interior and exterior, leading us to reveal, in an increasingly natural manner, our