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  • Algorithmic Visualizations" consists of images created directly from mathematical equations that have their origins in image processing algorithms used to enhance or analyze digitized images. This approach consists of rule-based processes that
  • To mark the start of the new decade, the European Media Art Festival presented a review of German experimental film and video art production from the 1980s, offering viewers the opportunity to see familiar works again and to perhaps rediscover and
  • In a time characterised by the loss of utopia and by major social and political change, creativity was called for – this was where artistic and philosophical concepts became increasingly important for creating new perspectives. Not the answer, but
  • Under the motto "Document", the 18th EMAF highlighted various media artistic approaches to documentary forms. Playing with media structures, analysing the power of the media, reflecting one’s own media production and examining the conditions of
  • Jouannais Jean-Yves and Debize Christian and Conte Richard, ed. It might never happen, catalog. Metz, France: Centre Pompidou Metz, 2010.
  • Event: It might never happen, curated by Christian Debize, opening program of the Centre Pompidou Metz, Metz, FranceInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita, ed. O "curto-circuito" da arte digital no Brasil. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Santa Maria: edição do autor, 2014.
  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita (Org.), ed. Arte-ciência-tecnologia: o sistema da arte em perspectiva. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Silveira Martins: Editora Lab Piloto, 2014.
  • transmedia '97 -
    ... relevant to these media realms into the programme: brain...
  • Can algorithms ensure greater neutrality and efficiency? Are they as free from human bias as we usually think? The exhibition ‘Codes and algorithms. Wisdom in a calculated world’ seeks to make sense of this phenomenon and it’s implications. n recent