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  • The installation proposes some poetic moments inside body’ landscapes using images of a scrutinezed body by technological medical devices. An internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are
  • In my Art Electronic exhibition, ELECTROURBS, 1979, at N.O. Space, In Porto Alegre and after in 1982, at Funarte, Galeria Sergio Milliet I used one electronic stetoscope to amplify the heart beats for medical diagnostics, and creatively I intended
  • Cross Currents -
    The multi-media project Cross Currents is the third part in the Yugoslavian War trilogy with Pietà (Neue Galerie, Graz, 1996, produced in collaboration with scenario URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum, Hanover, 1996) forming the second
  • My Black Cat -
    In a series of 'test cases', Knowbotic Research investigate the construction of identity, power, and communication.The installation Black_Cat confronts the constitution of subjectivity under the current post-media condition. In this installation,
  • Changes of State -
    Elgin Talkies is a 110-year old theatre in Shivaji Nagar. This electrical installation, mostly held up with cellotape and binding wire and reconfigured almost every day, was up for 5 evenings at the theatre and on the street outside it. The
  • Rope
    A rope slowly curls around a chair, caressing it carefully. As the speed increases, the torsion builds up and the rope becomes a strangling snake approaching it's pray and eventually the chair is violently tossed around. Although a computer
  • Check Check Reality -
    "This project focused on airport security regulations, seeing them as a worst-case scenario of playing on people's fears. It looked at how security is installed as a focal point in our daily lives. The online platform was set up in order to
  • HOME OF THE BRAIN (1990-91) - PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUES IN VIRTUAL SPACE Created between 1989 and 1991, HOME OF THE BRAIN by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss is considered to be one of the first pieces of Virtual Reality in the world to make
  • On a large white platform, the artist has arranged the typical Christmas scenario of his parents’ home: the family members, furniture and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual
  • Shanghai Express is an interactive installation we developed for the City of Counter Light exhibition at the Shanghai Power Station of Art in November 2013. It allows users to create and interact with digital cityscapes that appear on an interactive