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  • Event: Petrobras Realidad VirtualInstitution: Centro Cultural Candido MendesComment:
  • Machado, Arlindo. The Migrant Forms of Diana Domingues Centro Cultural Cândido Mendes (1990).
  • García Canclini, Néstor and Pat Badani, ed. Extranjería como contexto. Interculturalidad y arte digital iberoamericano. Vol.ISBN: 978-987-1496-03-7. pages 77 to 89, Extranjeros en la Tecnología y en la Cultura th ed.Buenos Aires, Argentina:
  • García Canclini, Néstor and Pat Badani, ed. Extranjería como contexto. Interculturalidad y arte digital iberoamericano. Vol.Book chapter. ISBN: 978-987-1496-03-7, Extranjeros en la tecnología y la cultura th ed.Buenos Aires, Argentina: Colección
  • inSite 2000 -
    inSITE 2000 beteiligte künstlerInnen: Carlos Amorales, Gustavo Artigas, Judith Barry, Jordan Crandall, Arturo Cuenca, Roman de Salvo, Dias & Riedweg, Mark Dion, Silvia Gruner, Diego Gutiérrez, Jonathan Hernandez, Norma Iglesias & Rita Gonzales,
  • Não!
    Event: Não!Institution: Centro Cultural Candido MendesComment:
    Event: MIGRAÇÕESInstitution: Centro Cultural Cândido MendesComment:
  • "Standby Deliver" - consists of steel plates facing each other and moving back and forth attached to activating motors. Underneath is a lit glass sugar molecule. Visitors have access to chewing gum, which they chew and stick to the plates, which
  • Candy, Linda and Ernest Edmonds. Explorations in Art and Technology. : Springer, 2002.