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  • ... game like Epic Games' Unreal. The semantic shift from...
    ... an altered and expanded reality. The boundaries between...
  • CAVE VR environment. A memorial for those who have died crossing the desert on the Mexico / U.S. border.
  • Recording quality priority: the 16-bit-recording quality is the selection criterion for the sound selection of turing tuning. This results in a "deauthorization" of the sound material from the original context of its production in order to be
  • Ascott, Roy and L. M. Girao. Presence in the Mindfield: art, identity,and the technology of transformation. Aveiro, Portugal: Universidade deAveiro, 2011.
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    Run Motherfucker Run is an interactive installation whereby anyone in good physical condition may try his or her luck in a city of empty streets, disserted intersections, ominous alleyways and unexpected obstacles. When you take position on the
  • Typically, the cells have no windows. Lights are controlled by guards who may leave them on night and day. For exercise there is usually only a room with high concrete walls and a chin-up bar. Showers may be limited to three per week for not more
  • What would life be like if it were made from computer algorithms rather than flesh and blood? Artificial Life is the name given to the simulation of natural forms and processes using materials other than those found in nature. It is not so much a
  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena: severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes. the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums. The
  • ... of the Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality...