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  • Syracuse Tree -
    ... project echos the energy and environment choices that prevailed in the construction of the lycee. Her installation is called...
  • ... mas independente do meio utilizado, é a poética do artista que prevalece, através da união de fragmentos desconexos do cotidiano, que...
  • .. In the context of the 1960’s paradigm of installation he started with expanded cinema, performance and participatory environments..
  • ... da artista homenageada Anna Barros – no Anfiteatro Caixa Preta -, + MOSTRA ON-LINE e a mostra Art[In]Muzz: Matéria e Objetos com...
  • Telephony -
    ... layers all of which are based in some way on the popular and prevalent, NokiaTune. The more people who dial into the work (whether...
  • ... Canada; Digital Aesthetic 2, Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston; Webscape, Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, Søro, Denmark 2007;...
  • ... Acevedo and Valentina Barucci and Jos de May and Sandro Del-Prete and Robert Fathauer and et. al. Homage to Escher Leonardo 1,...
  • ... which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at...
  • ... by both the abstract images of bodily gestures that are prevalent in traditional Indian dance forms such as Bharatnatyam as...
  • Sakrileg -
    ... powerful motor, the control unit tries to keep the ball up and prevent it from falling down. Two light barriers are detecting if the...