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  • ...than two decades, Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of Interactive Artworks and the design and construction of technologies...
  • ... of Computer Music Composition/Performance. (source:
  • ... this installation should be considered as a proto-type for an interactive film that may provide a multifaceted interpretation of...
    ...WEB-MINDSCAPE is an interactive installation joining diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates...
  • ... of the space. The film was first exhibited at Plymouth Arts Centre from 10 to 19 January 2017.
  • EZTV Media
  • ... Davies: L´espace immersif, espace perceptif L´informateur des Arts II, no. 1 (Fall 1995): 58-60.
  • ...ue Fu is a US-based Chinese-born New Media Artist, Curator, and Assistant Arts Professor in the Department of Photography and Imaging at New...
  • "Touch me"
    ...The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera... at the video on the monitor. If the visitor touches some parts of the face on the monitor, these parts dissolve and inside the...
  • ... and R. Schuler, 56-59. Vienna: University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2015.