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  • Sym-Ulations -
    Sym-Ulations allows participants to explore the asymmetry of their own faces.It also allows them to use their own face to create humorous impossible faces. User Interaction: The user holds a "Setup" button and sees a mirror image of his face
  • Do-Undo -
    Do-Undo allows a participant to do perform movements in a spaceand immediately see the movements forwards and backwards. User Experience: The participant stands in a space in front of a camera and video projection system. On the screen
  • Live audio-visual transformation and dematerialization of the viewer. [prototype] (source:
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ELASTIC SURGERY is an artwork that allows a participant to perform subtle or gross distortions to his or her own face. While some of the changes may be possible by conventional plastic surgery, most could only be achieved by these electronic means,
  • History of the Main Complaint addresses issues of memory, truth, and reconciliation—issues that gripped South Africa in the immediate post-apartheid period, during which the Truth and Reconciliation Commission held public hearings to recover lost
  • As Falling Falls -
    As Falling Falls is a double interactive video projection using high resolution video projectors and two computers with a remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible a number of dancers of the Stephen Petronio
  • The Castle -
    The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of
  • Tunnel -
    The coal tunnel has no architecture. Its walls consist of the stuff the mine produces. It has no exterior, an interior shaped by the task for which it is intended, surfaces that are nothing but raw materials, and a shape that must follow the coal
  • Plot Against Time #3 (Insect Sonata (after Scriabin)), a single channel video, draws out the trajectories of insects in the my shady garden as they pass through beams of sunlight on a rare windless day in spring. The work's subtitle refers to early