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  • wi-fi sm -
    After the the guerilla-marketing campaign for WiFi-SM was launched at the Tirana Bienniale of Contemporary Art in 2003, the real product was shown for the first time at galerie Sollertis in January 2006: the WiFi-SM patch is now for real You
  • Gogol Chat -
    The Web is a global text. The hypothetical character, whose speech tends towards this global text, the sum of all speeches of mankind, is called Gogol. Originally GogolChat was conceived as a multi-user chat where this fictitious character lives.
  • The Google Adwords Happening: how a global happening on Google unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism. “At the beginning of April, a debate took place on mailing list, about how to earn money with net art. It suggested to me an
  • Non-weddings -
    Non-weddings was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in “L’instance de la lettre dans l’inconscient”, as I realized that the Internet search engines had some similarities with this presentation (cf Google Image). The drawing by Lacan was
  • Epiphanies - video
    My first piece, Epiphanies is a conceptual Google Hack inspired by James Joyce’s definition of the epiphany. It is considered as one of the very first pieces of “Google Art”, probably the first… In 2001, Google wasn’t yet the Internet
  • Laboratory Life (For Oryx and Crake) is a series of over-layered photographs taken at scientific laboratories in Europe ( the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Rome, the Max Planck Institute in Dresden, and a biophysics lab at Imperial
  • Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. He began his artistic activity in September 2001. His polymorphic work (installations, performances, conceptual pieces…) has a critical take on network phenomena and globalisation in the field of language
  • Latour, Bruno. Der Berliner Schlüssel: Erkundungen eines Liebhabers der Wissenschaften. Berlin: Akademie Verlag GmbH, 1996.
  • Latour, Bruno. Iconoclash oder Gibt es eine Welt jenseits des Bilderkrieges?. Berlin: Merve, 2002.
  • Latour, Bruno and Peter Weibel, ed. Iconoclash: Beyond the Image Wars in Science, Religion, and Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.