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  • Light from Tomorrow -
    Light from Tomorrow is an artwork by British artists Thomson & Craighead. It centres on an expedition to The Kingdom of Tonga, where tomorrow’s outdoor light-readings are broadcast in close to real time through The International Dateline to
  • There Is No Business -
    TITLE: There is no business ARTIST: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer WORK DATE: 2009 CATEGORY: Installations MATERIALS: Installation néon, métal, timer / neon installation, metal, timer EDITION/SET OF: 1/6 SIZE: h: 60 x w: 60 x d: 8 cm / h: 23.6
  • Weather Gauge -
    In Weather Gauge, numerical weather data from over 150 countries is simultaneously represented in a gallery forming an array of hypnotic animated data referencing a huge global spread of live information. Each piece of weather data rotates between
  • Telephony -
    Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of 'music.' Each phone has been individually programmed with a different ringtone, which
  • Underscan - video
    Under Scan is an interactive video art installation for public space. In the work, passers-by are detected by a computerized tracking system, which activates video-portraits projected within their shadow. Over one thousand video-portraits of
  • Stereoscope -
    The stereoscope is a device to make images appear three-dimensional by presenting each eye with a slightly different point of view of the same scene; in attempting to reconcile the difference, the eye is tricked into seeing volume. In Stereoscope
  • Merging art with technology, conceptual artists George Legrady and Angus Forbes have transformed ubiquitous and often annoying cell phones into paint brushes for the 21st century. Their new multimedia video installation "Cell Tango" at Wellesley
  • Thalamus -
    'Thalamus' is a simple user led environment designed for DATA projection into a gallery space where the user navigates the work with a mouse or slider set on a plinth placed squarely infront of the projection. The piece uses a metronome scale as a
  • Speaking in tongues -
    Speaking in Tongues is a gallery based environment examining Our relationship with narrative and dataflow invisibly coursing through our environment all the time space where all manner of wireless transmission augments our Spheres of Influence while
  • Alpha Blend - video
    "Alpha Blend" is the seventh piece in the Shadow Box series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's presence revealing and blending pictures of people who have recently looked at the work.