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  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at
  • Tad Hirsch is a researcher and PhD candidate in the Smart Cities Group at MIT's Media Lab, where his work focuses on the intersections between art, activism, and technology. He has worked with Intel's People and Practices Research Group, Motorola's
  • Japan's leading electronic composer Ryoji Ikeda focuses on the minutiae of ultrasonics, frequencies and the essential characteristics of sound itself. His work exploits sound's physical property, its causality with human perception and mathematical
  • Bruno, Christophe. Google et au-delà: Interview by Ariel Kyrou Multitudes 36 (2009).
  • Event: Au delà de l'image, la visite en situationsInstitution: Cité des sciences de la villetteComment:
  • Event: Au delà de l’image, la visite en situationsInstitution: City of Science and IndustryComment:
  • Masahiko Inami is a professor in the School of Media Design at the Keio University (KMD), Japan. His research interest is in human I/O enhancement technologies including bioengineering, HCI and robotics. He received BE and MS degrees in
  • Golan Levin is an artist and educator whose interests lie in reactive expression, non-verbal communication and technologies that explore our relationships with machines and computational systems. He received undergraduate and graduate degrees from
  • Swarming Lounge 2.0 is a mixed-reality performance and installation where visitors come to meet four live performers and nine augmented-reality characters displayed on smartphones. All characters, both real and virtual, are embedded in the
  • Transdance LaboratoryArtist: Scott DelahuntaComment: