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  • Dildomatic Opera -
    Discovering the secrets of nostalgic "circuit bending" it seems that here the drive immediately sadistic turns of its true purpose. The crushing nature of games against child trying to convert sounds, notes and voice stuttering, screaming,
  • .. "Ideally by using these technologies, art should see through them and unveil this imperative role in our society. When it is aesthetically pleasing, the truth doesn’t hurt so much" ..
  • Whenever the inequitable distribution of resources crosses into territories once thought impossible, Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) has responded with a public party to highlight the achievements of various oligarchies and plutocracies in a manner that
  • The six video segments in Jordan Crandall's installation Heatseeking were shot with a diverse array of technologies, including surveillance apparatuses used by the U.S. Border Patrol to search out and capture illegal immigrants crossing over
  • Event: Patterns+Pleasure: Handmade Music sessionInstitution: STEIMComment:
  • Neuro Baby -
    “Neuro Baby, one of her [Naoko Tosa's] best-known installations, uses sophisticated neural-network programming to create a computer graphic entity that responds to the emotional tones of voices. The baby responds appropriately with crying or cooing
  • Documentary
  • Nemo, the robotic fish, is swimming imperturbably in the screen, which is his fish tank as well. The robotic cat is sitting in front of the screen and he is watching it as he was looking at a real fish swimming in a real tank. Time to time he
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Peristrephic Pleasures, or the Origins of the Moving Panorama In Allegories of Communication: Intermedial Concerns from Cinema to the Digital, edited by Jan Olsson and John Fullerton, 215-248. Rome: John Libbey, 2004.
  • One of the first dance and media performances designed for a fulldome virtual reality environment. An immersive visual and sound environment, paired with epicurean pleasures and the contemplation of a dance performance. Architectural skies and