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  • Studied mathematics in Stuttgart (Dr.rer.nat. 1967); postdoctoral fellow at Department of computer science, University of Toronto (1968/69); assistant professor computer science, University of B.C., Vancouver (1970-72); professor for computer
  • Nake, Frieder. The Display as a Looking-Glass: Zu Ivan E. Sutherlands früher Vision der grafischen Datenverarbeitung In Visionen, Pardigmen und Leitmotive in der Geschichte der Informatik, edited by Hans Dieter HelligeBerlin, Heidelberg, New York:
  • The exhibition shows works by the computer scientist, Frieder Nake (now resident in Bremen), who was a member of the Stuttgart group led by Max Bense. He displayed his first algorithmically generated digital graphics in Stuttgart in 1965, as did
  • Event: Paul Friedlander Chicago Musuem of Science and IndustryInstitution: Museum of Science and IndustryComment:
  • Event: Paul Friedlander kopernick science museumInstitution: kopernik science museumComment:
  • Curating Second Night -
    Oct. 6 2007: internet users worldwide took part in the Nuit Blanche organized by the Paris local council. Second Night was displayed both on Second Life and at Hôtel d’Albret, Paris. works by Andreas Angelidakis, Christophe Bruno, David Guez, Agnès
  • Exhibiting artists: - Art Ex Machina (KAWANO Hroi shi, Georg NEES, Ken KNOWLTON, Manfred MOHR, Frieder NAKE, Manuel BARBADILLO) - KIMOTO Keiko - FUJIHATA Masaki - Tamás WALICZKY Curated by: TADA Kaori (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) Curatorial
  • In 1993, I was asked to do my first large commission for British Telecom at their HQ in the City of London. I was also invited to exhibit at Images du Futur in Montreal, where despite being a previously unknown, I was given the largest single
  • Curators: Montxo Algora y José Luis de Vicente. Artists: Antoni Abad, Amorphic Robot Works, Ángel Borrego, David Byrne, Daniel Canogar, Vuk Cósic, Harun Farocki, Paul Friedlander, Mark Hansen, David Hason, Pierre Huyghe, Theo Jansen, Natalie
  • Weibel, Peter, ed. Olafur Eliasson: Surroundings Surrounded - Essays on Space and Science. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2002.