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  • Desert rain -
    ... disorienting ‘the body in a very corporeal way’ (ibid.: 47). The viewers, stripped of their belongings, were given a hooded black jacket and asked to identify their objective from a card with the picture of an unknown person. They were then led to six...
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... Museum stifled or liberated ? Is contemporary art stifling or liberating? Art After museum : a breath of fresh air ? A black hole ? EXPLORING is not the same than VISITING. The art EXPLORER is an active SPECTATOR . Unless the artist wishes...
  • ... The platform itself can be rotated to change the camera's point of view. The life-size furniture sits on a smooth black circular floor in the center of the room, eight meters in diameter. Each article of furniture is mounted on ball-bearing...
  • ... executive office of the 1970s. Radio 4 comes from a Roberts radio. A blood red vinyl chair sits on the thick brown carpet. Black metal shelves hang on the dark olive green walls. A model of the surrounding city made of Post It notes sits on the desk: on a...
  • ... emulates an idealized cylindrical projection system. The vertical edges of the individual projected images are faded to black gradually in order to minimize the visible gaps between adjacent images. The user interface, a modified video camera,...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... Although not visible from the outside, I painted a coil of the upper electromagnet concealed inside the gold aluminum cover, black. The actual installation differs from the original plan because of two reasons: technical difficulties and the reevaluation...
  • ... death. The image thus recorded exists no longer. Each photographed fragment disappears from the screen and is replaced by a black silhouette. With each click of the shutter, a part of the world is extinguished. Each exposure is then printed out. As soon as...
  • ...Overview The Work "Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night" is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative visual system...
  • ... removed and their interiors and keyboards clearly illuminated. The screen is irradiated with a beautiful shade of blue. A black and white video camera is placed on each of the pianos in order to film the movements of the performer's fingers and the...
  • ... a set of motions which trigger around four quartets and continue. What frames the border of the path? Very large silk flags black and white or Red and white or red and black The path is a metaphysical term - one becomes one with the path on a grid of 16...