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  • ... Arbeiten sind immer beides: spezifisch und...
  • ...Casares, Nilo and Giselle Beigelman and Laura Baigorri and Brian...
  • catalog
    ... Biennale, ed. catalog. Beiging, China: ,, 2010.
  • Art x-ray
    ... Biennale, ed. Art x-ray. Beiging, China: ,, 2010.
  • ... ed. Art perspective. Beiging, China: ,, 2010.
  • The Book after the Book is a hypertextual and visual essay about cyberliterature and the net_reading/writing_condition. Its main focus is non-linear narratives, which reconfigure the literature/book relationship starting from the very notion of
  • Content = No Cache -
    ...Content = No CacheArtist: Giselle BeiguelmanComment:
  • wordotcomnodot -
    é um ensaio sobre a condição da palavra no contexto digital. Apresenta uma antologia da literatura criada para a Internet, um guia comentado de sites sobre a criação e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos com hipertexto, e um fórum aberto ao público sobre
  • Recycled -
    ...RecycledArtist: Giselle BeiguelmanComment:
  • Ceci n'est pas un nike talks about on line creation and its conditions. Its point of departure is the conceptual confusion between interface and surface. Magritte's pipes are its strongest referencs and it updates the discussion about