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  • Cosmogonie - video
    Documentaire HD sur la Réalité Virtuelle.
  • ... then [3] applied to creating narrowly-scoped, almost idiosyncratic representations whose...
  • ... technology in the mode of the phenakistiscopes invented in the early 19th century that were...
  • ... of museums with adjacent mission scopes to the artworld, for bringing avant-garde...
  • Point to Point -
    ... The text is based on names, wishes, and statements that have been "donated" on the website...
    ... Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à...
  • ... enables users to explore archived documentation materials relating to the works of...
  • ... Function Random... Pushing images. Documentary, 3D tangential and irrelevant from...
  • ... ­ how was called in Brazil the short documentaries that were screened before the feature...
  • ... our Text collection with curatorial statements, artist's bio and other information as...