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  • BIOS 4 -
    ...DEFINITIONS AND TOOLS Artbiotics - beyond the contemporary: art,... S AND TOOLS Artbiotics - beyond the contemporary: art, biology... art, biology and environment in the 21st century....
  • untouched
    ... through 3D scanning and presented as unaltered online... in-between realities, the virtual fragmented bodies in... while scanning, Martina Menegon pushes the practice of...
  • it feels like home -
    ... performative and generative virtual... intervention that uses the synthetic space of the... experience. Experimenting with the notion of time...
  • ... interactive experience and performative self-portrait... way (2023) by Martina Menegon is an interactive...
  • ...Event: A 1000 K –Daniel García Andújar and Pablo Menénez, with an... García Andújar and Pablo Menénez, with an openning...
  • decon -
    ... of biotechnology methods and materials as art media, for... The project explores the use of biotechnology methods and materials... media, for the development of paintings literally alive...
  • ...Independent art critic and curator, researcher in contemporary art... in Art History from the University of Barcelona. He... Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Huesca),...
  • Nature? -
    ... before in nature, and that rapidly disappear from... live butterflies where their wing patterns were modified... P. Brakefield." Marta de Menezes
  • Nucleart -
    ... artworks using DNA and chromosomes as an art medium.... "During my residency at the laboratory of Dr. Ana Pombo at the... I have used DNA molecules coupled to fluorescent dyes... Emma Macey." - Marta de Menezes
  • Functional Portraits -
    ... in the composition, and even the choice of technique.... in portraits not only the physical appearance of the... Birmingham." - Marta de Menezes