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  • ...Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the...
  • This work associates Virtual Reality with Multimedia through a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed for a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. Up to seven participants can interact with the application.
  • Budhaditya Chattopadhyay is a contemporary artist, researcher, writer and theorist. Working across diverse media, such as sound, text, and moving image, and incorporating various technologies such as sensors, AI, and Machine Learning, Chattopadhyay
  • ... mate and create offspring which evolve and adapt to their environment. When you make a creature it will email you to let you...
  • ...Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the...
  • Terrarium -
    ... faster in their displacements when we change the heat of the environment. The second version offers mobile and nomadic connections...
  • Naimark, Michael. Interactive Art and the Myth of Everything-ness In Ars Electronica 1994: Intelligente Ambiente / Intelligent Environment, edited by Karl Gerbel and Peter WeibelWien: PVS Verleger, 1994.
  • Waking Agents -
    ... The installation consists of a set of six pillows in an immersive environment. Visitors are invited to lay down and nap with a “smart”...
  • Smart Tools -
    The word "haptization" means, "making it possible to touch". A typical example is the usage of haptic display devices in order to touch computer-generated images. Therefore, it is often called "haptization of information". Previous work on
  • Compass -
    Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine