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  • Penny, Simon. Virtual Reality as the End of the Enlightment Project In Virtual Reality Casebook, edited by Carl Eugene Loeffler and Tim AndersonHoboken, New Jersey: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1994.
  • I like Frank -
    In March 2004 Blast Theory premiered the world's first 3G mixed reality game, I Like Frank in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Fringe. I Like Frank took place online at and on the streets using 3G phones. Players in the real
  • Artist: Ennio BertrandComment:
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    Run Motherfucker Run is an interactive installation whereby anyone in good physical condition may try his or her luck in a city of empty streets, disserted intersections, ominous alleyways and unexpected obstacles. When you take position on the
  • [in time time] -
    [in time time] is an installation involving large digital prints and two new media works: a split-screen video titled [8-bits], and a context aware, interactive installation titled [ping-pong-flow]. The pieces are bound together by their related
  • Trigger
    Trigger explored the vignettes, ebbs, flows and narratives that emerge from the relationships we have with urban spaces. It featured seven projections that were configured to fill the stairwell space. Visitors passed through a set of 12 motion
  • Lo Yo Yo -
    Lo Yo Yo is about the enormous volume of electromagnetic information which invisibly permeates the space we live in. The piece randomly scans the radio broadcast bands producing a real time five channel mix. Scanning controlled by an arbitrary,
  • Presence -
    Presence is a three beam interactive video projection installation commissioned for the Art Machine II exhibition at the Maclellan Galleries, Glasgow. It is composed of three screens using high resolution video projectors and three computers with a
  • During a guest residency at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, I assigned my students the task of making a wall-size mural entirely from standard video. They understood that the camera had to be on a tripod in the exact same location, and
  • I.E.D (Improvised Empathetic Device) The current U.S. led war in Iraq has suffered enormous casualties, where the toll on civilian lives in Iraq is vague and many times unreported. The number of U.S. casualties is reported and monitored, many of