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    Part II is a live dance theater performance with master improviser and former William Forsythe/Ballett Frankfurt dancer Michael Schumacher. During the fifty minute work, the spectators experience a person undergoing the traumatic transformation of
  • Radius
    Commissioned by Candy & Candy for Home House, London / UK ‘Radius’ is a sound-reactive media installation that plays with the light emitted by spatial arrays of light sources. Where a commonly flat arrangement of LEDs would be conceived as a
  • Alsos* Sound and interactive installation Alsos* is an interactive clearing. The spectator walks into a space plunged into darkness with a flash light in his hand. Mystic forest music immerses him in a strange universe. He discovers and explores
  • The Image Mill is a public sculpture that uses the force and beauty of falling water as the energy to create a moving picture. As water falls over the giant wheel, a transmission assembly causes two disks to spin in opposite directions. On the
  • Dark Matter - video
    Dark Matter: The darkened gallery space is dominated by an invisible sculpture of silent sound. Your body probes the space listening for the sculpture's spatial form to be expressed though the sounds of your contact with its immaterial presence.
  • The second in the series, "Plot Against Time #2 (flurry)", tracks individual snowflakes whirling in the complex turbulence created by the rigorous and minimal forms of Mies van der Rohe's Toronto Dominion Centre skyscrapers and the Al McWilliams
  • This series of artworks contemplates the screen and its origins. My time in the villages of Southeast Asia has shown me an array of organic resources that can be formed into papers. I've researched naturally-occurring translucent materials and have
  • RGB -
    A self made computer program mixes three colors very slowly per random: Red, Green, Blue. Thats the reason why the color compositon is never the same and never repeats. The colors are projected onto the white areas of the picture. The RGB series
  • Poetry Machine -
    Poetry Machine is mixing randomly two poems by William Blake: Little Girl Lost and Little Boy Lost. The poems are read out loud by the machine - every time the reading is launched, it may be different due to an algorithm responsible for using the
  • All kinds of people are using their smartphones. The displays don’t show any apps – only the sensual movements of the hands. Each pair of hands plays both roles from Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” at the Sistine Chapel: God the father and Adam,