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  • Lange, Andreas. Extra Life. Über das Sterben in Computerspielen In game_over. Spiele, Tod und Jenseits, edited by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Friedhof und Denkmal e.V., 93-104. Kassel: Zentralinstitut und Museum für Sepuralkultur, 2002.
  • The museum is redesigning part of its exhibition space, Science Storms, a major new section , opens 18 March 2010. My work, String Waves, will be part of the new collection. Installation was completed in early December 2009. These images show
  • Kopernicus Center -
    Warsaw 2010. Brand new science centre opening in Warsaw, autumn 2010. The first science centre to open in Eastern Europe. Computer rendering: triple installation.
  • The exhibition shows works by the computer scientist, Frieder Nake (now resident in Bremen), who was a member of the Stuttgart group led by Max Bense. He displayed his first algorithmically generated digital graphics in Stuttgart in 1965, as did
  • Exhibiting artists: - Art Ex Machina (KAWANO Hroi shi, Georg NEES, Ken KNOWLTON, Manfred MOHR, Frieder NAKE, Manuel BARBADILLO) - KIMOTO Keiko - FUJIHATA Masaki - Tamás WALICZKY Curated by: TADA Kaori (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) Curatorial
  • Notes on Preliminary Plan and Accompanying Images. • The public enter through a gently curved corridor allowing time for their eyes to adjust to the low light level and obscuring the view ahead of the Forest. • Choice of paths to give a
  • Jerusalem -
    Jerusalem 10 - 16 June 2009 Overview of Jerusalem Archaeological Park during the Festival of Light The golden dome on the left is Al Aqsa mosque. The other sides of the park in view are bounded by the walls of the old city. Abstract Cosmology
  • Event: Paul Friedlander Chicago Musuem of Science and IndustryInstitution: Museum of Science and IndustryComment:
  • Event: Paul Friedlander kopernick science museumInstitution: kopernik science museumComment:
  • Curating Second Night -
    Oct. 6 2007: internet users worldwide took part in the Nuit Blanche organized by the Paris local council. Second Night was displayed both on Second Life and at Hôtel d’Albret, Paris. works by Andreas Angelidakis, Christophe Bruno, David Guez, Agnès