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  • Fluctuating between the worlds of early Baroque and late Ming/early Qing eras, the project explores a rather brief yet multi-faceted period of enlightened dialogue between Europe and China. Although characterised by a respectful scientific exchange,
  • Traces -
    Traces is a project for networked CAVEs (immersive VR spaces). But it is very different in its goals and its nature from any other CAVE or VR project (to the knowledge of the author). The root of the project is a long standing concern over the
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    Two years before the turn of the century, a committee chaired by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, at the time director of the Centre Pompidou, was entrusted with the task of defining the ceremonies to celebrate the millennium. Oddly enough, I was invited to
  • Floating Signs II -
    Three-part light installation Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' 'Floating Signs 2' features three light sticks, each consisting of a vertical bar of white flickering LEDs. For the viewer, the words and images seem to emerge from the bars,
  • Stafford, Barbara M.. Artful Science: Enlightenment Entertainment and the Eclipse of Visual Education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1994.
  • Penny, Simon. Virtual Reality as the End of the Enlightenment Project In Culture on the Brink: Ideologies of Technology, edited by Gretchen Bender and Timothy Druckrey and NY Dia Center for the ArtsSeattle: Bay Press, 1994.
  • Stafford, Barbara Maria. Body Criticism. Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press, 1991.
  • CTRL [SPACE] -
    Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother In 1785, the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), founder of the doctrine of Utilitarianism, began working on a plan for a model prison called the panopticon. The signature feature of
  • Event: From LIGHTING to ENLIGHTENMENT, Light Making SenseInstitution: 2015 International Lighting and Creative City ForumComment:
  • I Have a Wish -
    Have you ever had a wish filled with anticipation, hoping it would come true? Or have you ever looked forward to the future, eager to see those beautiful moments? “I Have a Wish" was born out of these thoughts. When you think of something, all that