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  • musicbox -
    The musicbox is a tangible interface supporting remote awareness through the medium of music and light. The musicbox is linked over the Internet to the music and light levels surrounding a remote piano. The system communicates live music and a sense
  • TouchCounters -
    TouchCounters are computational tags that track the usage of physical objects. TouchCounters sense activity through magnetic, acceleration, and infrared sensors, and indicate their status on bright LED displays. Through magnetic snap connectors,
  • curlybot -
    curlybot is an toy that can record and playback physical motion. As one plays with it, it remembers how it has been moved and can replay that movement with all the intricacies of the original gesture; every pause, acceleration, and even the shaking
  • plastic trade-off -
    in cooperation with Gerald Nestler --- plastic trade-off is a light sculpture as well as a virtual knowledge space. It visualizes global financial markets and thus a core element of global economy. plastic trade-off could be described as a
  • in cooperation with: Gerald Nestler (Research), Christof Cargnelli (Sound), Oliver Irschitz (Production) --- I treat Wittgenstein's propositions more like axioms. When I negate the axiom, 'We make ourselves a picture of the world'
  • mirrage -
    in cooperation with Peter Szely (Sound) --- mirrage is a virtual mirror which perpetuates and alienates the spatial architecture of the sound art series Tonspur - the virtual space infinitely mirrors the architecture and triggers sounds when
  • metaDESK -
    The metaDESK is our first platform for exploring the design of tangible user interfaces. The metaDESK integrates multiple 2D and 3D graphic displays with an assortment of physical objects and instruments, sensed by an array of optical, mechanical,
  • transBOARD -
    The transBOARD is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of a digitally-enhanced whiteboard as a model of a wall in the future. The transBOARD supports distributed access to physical whiteboard activity. Distributed users can monitor
  • mediaFlow -
    mediaFlow is the first project to interlink the multiple Tangible Bits platforms. mediaFlow uses Triangles to route the flow information such as activity on the transBOARD, metaDESK, or online sources to destinations like Ambient Fixtures, the
  • PingPongPlus -
    PingPongPlus is a digitally enhanced version of the classic ping-pong game. It is played with ordinary, un-tethered paddles and balls, and features a "reactive table" that incorporates sensing, sound, and projection technologies. Projectors display