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  • In the installation "Industrial Evolution," users can interact with historic images from the time of the Industrial Revolution. Images of factories, mines, assembly lines, production facilities and related administration facilities show the
  • I first conceived the Telepresence Garment in 1995 to investigate the notion of the mediascape as an expanded cloth; i.e., to consider wireless networking as a new fabric that envelops the body. The Garment, which I finished in 1996, gives
  • Eden -
    Eden is an interactive, self-generating, artificial ecosystem. A cellular world is populated by collections of evolving creatures. Creatures move about the environment, making and listening to sounds, foraging for food, encountering predators and
  • A workshop to visualize a flow of information. Participants of the workshop make a line and try to transfer an one-line drawing from body to body. Then the track of the drawings is drawn on pieces of papers. At the end of each sesson, participants
  • Traceability -
    We will try to find antennas for mobile phones in urban space ,map it and make flip book like animation from photographs/videotapes which is taken by participants of workshop in urban space. As a result, when we see the animation, we will feel
  • Spider Haus is a transpecies communication artwork constructed of stereo lithography plastic and a common house spider (Theridiidae) in the winter and an orbital web spider in the summer. It is designed to amplify and connect the viewer with the
  • Timetable
    In Timetable, an image is projected from above onto a large circular table. Twelve dials are positioned around the perimeter of the table. The functions each of these dials changes and mutates, depending on what is projected onto them at any given
  • Pentimento - video
    Pentimento was produced as an Interactive Video Installation and Interactive DVD-ROM during Dennis Del Favero's on-going Research Fellowship at ZKM which began in 1998. The Interactive Video Installation comprises an 8 metre square room with
  • World System -
    The theme of this project is "re-design for telephone". Winner of Japan Art Scholorship. This is a model of a flying TV-telephone which by itself float to find and link to other people (just like WWW). An idea "What if the original telephone
  • Well, things don't always turn out the way you plan - this project certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are interested in magnetic core memory are very