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  • Camerin Obscura -
    *Camerin Obscura* is a hand made Camera Obscura - an ancient tool for visualization - that integrates a basic artificial vision system and a sound server looking for an unusual experience integrating image, audio and computation. From a cultural
  • With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen. The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within the
  • Chatonsky, Gregory. Translation, du récit numérique Journal de Fresnoy, Studio National d´ Arts Contemporains (2004).
  • Event: 0.7 OPEN ARTInstitution: Le Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts ContemporainsComment:
  • Dans les projets de conception d’exposition, je m’efforce de considérer la scénographie comme une composante significative du message véhiculé par le projet muséographique. Nous sommes en effet passés d’une époque où le muséographe avait
  • Conception et direction artistique du projet Fresque numérique haute définition par Alain Escalle Conception muséographique des dispositifs interactifs Programmes multimedia en collaboration avec Hyptique Mise en musique du cloître
  • Dr Tracey M Benson is an Australian based interdisciplinary artist, UX designer, researcher and founder of Treecreate. She is passionate about more-than-human design and bridging the links between western ways of thinking with experiential and
  • Helyer, Nigel. Prometheus Bound in: Innovation in Australian Arts, Media and Design: Fresh Challenges for the Tertiary Sector. Germany: Wissler, Rod, Haseman, Brad, Wallace, Sue-Anne, Keane, Michael, 2004.
  • Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.The next iteration of the Media Art History conference is Re:live which is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria in 2009. The event follows the success of the two