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  • Morphogenesis -
    concept The installation is about the evolutionary developement of a three dimensional organic form. it consists out of two coupled systems. one system exists in real space, visitors interact with a virtual organic projected onto a 4 by 3m back
  • Nano-Scape - video
    This nano-scale sculpture is invisible, just like the Nano-world it comments about. While science and media try to capture images of these tiniest of particles in order to understand their properties, Nano-Scape tries to make this Nano-world
  • Mostra Passageiros -
    A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A mostra foi uma realização da Galeria Mamute, com o apoio do PPGART/UFSM, Labart e do PPGAV/UFRGS. Esta foi a primeira, de uma série de mostras de
  • Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, in the story and, therefore, this story supplies a good example of multi-person participation. People have a strong desire to act out the
  • Heartscapes is an immersive virtual environment that offers interactions into a simulated virtual heart. It is a place for the body totally involved in a sensation of a dissolution of its corporeal boundaries, melt up with the environment. The
  • Spatial Sounds (100dB at 100km/h) is an interactive audio installation by Marnix de Nijs and Edwin van der Heide. In this engine-powered work, a speaker is mounted onto a rotating arm that is several meters long. Like a watchdog, the machine scans
  • Echoing Narcissus -
    Echoing Narcissus is an interactive sound-sculpture in the form of a well, covered in copper sheet and printed circuit boards. It is a re-telling of Ovid's myth of Narcissus and Echo. All sounds made in the proximity of the sculpture are
  • Internet, video projections on gaze and helium bal Playing instruments is the common lot of music. Playing with emotions is the common lot of politics and entertainment Considering the Net as the World nervous system. Scanning the
  • The Library -
    As the Y2K media frenzy and millennium celebrations reached a fever pitch in late 1999, the finishing touches were being put on the design of one of the most ambitious VRML projects on the internet today. With the assistance of modellers, animators
  • warden sprites raum3, 2009-2010 Series of photos, an elf-receiver, 1 Mac mini with net-access, 1 ISOPHONE PLS 320 / 400, 1 radial high tone beamer with control unit developed by N-solab, 1 UV 350nm Spot with control unit developed by N-solab,