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  • Computer generated large scale ink plots Indian Ink on Fabiano 300 gsm paper These works were produced using a large scale Interact IV flat bed plotter. A set of abstract images, each measuring 200 x 200 cms. The works were produced by
  • Objects of desire -
    shellscript on custom made computer white standard typography on black background In short intervals, a text sequence appears on the screen of a transparent object with the promising Sentence by sentence, second by second, with each new
  • On translation -
    Every day we have to make decisions. These are decisions between affirmation and negation, between yes and no, between 1 and 0. The path is a long one that finally leads a translation of a text to its new destination. There it becomes obvious that
  • Generative art "en plain air": In four squares appearing on the computer screen the viewers of remote impressionist art (2006) see cutouts from heaven above not closer defined places on this world: grey, blue, black white and every shading you can
  • All you can see -
    With common video formats, almost 17 million different colours can theoretically be represented on the screen today. If these are shown all at once, a condensation in pure white is generated in the digital picture production. Translated into a
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    "Mutatis mutandis" is an interactive computerised installation. It’s hypermedia project realised from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and philosophy, and explores the language of interact ivity in the
  • Virtual Lascaux -
    Virtual Lascaux is the brainchild of Benjamin Britton, assistant professor of electronic art at the University of Cincinnati. He was inspired to "connect the past to the future" when, after five years of asking, he was eventually allowed a see the
  • London Dig
    London Dig is composed of four 42 inch plasma screens arranged in a rectangular array of two by two screens, creating a larger single image. The imagery displayed on the screens derives from numerous bird's eye views of the City of London, centred
  • Book of Shadows -
    CD-ROM with book version published by Ellipsis, London copyright 1994 exhibited at Portsmouth Arts Centre, Portsmouth, UK, 1998 Surfing, Contemporary Art Centre, Plymouth, UK 1997 European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, Germany, 1997 On
  • Torso
    A work using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources for two of the monitors, one prerecorded computer animated sequence and two live video feeds from surveilance camera's installed in the space. A